CLAVNA gives a training session on R+D+i opportunities within the LIDERA programme of the Navarre Employment Service
Great welcome at the R+D+i training session organised by CLAVNA and part of the LIDERA programme of the Navarre Employment Service! Many thanks to everyone for your interest and involvement!
The session was introduced by Arturo Cisneros (Manager of CLAVNA), who explained the need to boost the Navarre audiovisual sector in the area of innovation. Subsequently, on behalf of ADITECH, Diego Garrido (General Manager) and María Uresandi (Technological Cooperation and Excellence) explained the options of visits and advice that can be made from this entity.
Guillermo Bea (from the Directorate-General for Innovation of the Government of Navarre) and Delia Sola (Director of the Strategic Projects Service of S4 in the Government of Navarre) took part in developing the calls for grants in detail.
In addition, from the INNOVA program, Maria Griñó (Project Manager) indicated the main keys of this call, before moving on to the round of questions.
In total, 16 members of CLAVNA attended this meeting to learn more about the possibilities of boosting their innovation projects available to them. This meeting has resulted in further individualized sessions to work on each case.