CLAVNA gives the first training session to accelerate the sustainable transition of the Navarre audiovisual industry value chain
This training was carried out by the environmental consultancy CREAST and is part of the LIDERA programme of the Navarro Employment Service-Nafar Lansare.
This afternoon, the Audiovisual Cluster of Navarre organised the first training session of a more ambitious project aimed at accelerating the green transition of the Navarre audiovisual value chain. The session was held at the headquarters of the Directorate General of Culture and Sport of the Government of Navarre, which also collaborated with the development of the event.
For this presentation, CREAST, an environmental consultant specialized in the audiovisual sector of great recognition both nationally and internationally, was collaborated. Specifically, after the opening of the event by the manager of CLAVNA, Arturo Cisneros, the speakers of this consultancy responsible for delivering the session were Andrea Fuentes (from the Department of Business Development in Fiction) and Carmen Ocáriz (environmental analyst).
The call, in which more than 60 people have registered, has been addressed to companies and professionals from all links and departments of Navarre’s audiovisual value chain. Among the participants there has been representation from the areas of production, stylism, editing, figuration and image and sound technicians, among others.
During the training activity, concepts such as the measurement and reduction of the carbon footprint of audiovisual productions, the figure of the eco manager or the adaptation of projects to obtain grants or subsidies related to sustainability were worked out. Finally, the meeting had been closed with a case study.
This training has provided an introduction to the basic notions of sustainability in film and television shootings, and has served to lay the foundations for the sessions that will take place later, specific to the implementation of measures in the different departments of an audiovisual shoot.