The Audiovisual Cluster of Navarra participates in the Malaga Festival
The Audiovisual Cluster of Navarra (CLAVNA) participated in MAFIZ, an industry area of the Malaga Film Festival as president of the Spanish Network of Clusters Audiovisual. On behalf of CLAVNA attended Rosa García (president of CLAVNA and RedCAU), Arturo Cisneros (manager of CLAVNA and RedCAU) and Leyre Estévez (from the area of innovation by CLAVNA and RedCAU). Within the framework of the festival, on Tuesday 14 they held the general assembly of the RedCAU of In person with the rest of the presidents and managers of the associated clusters (of the territories of Aragon, the Canary Islands, Catalonia, Galicia and the Basque Country) and then attended the presentation of the progress and opportunities of the “Spanish audiovisual hub” project, initially endowed with a budget of 1,600 million euros between 2021-2025.
On the 15th at 12:30 took place at the Picasso Museum the presentation of the conclusions of the Report on the mapping and identification of Green Shooting practices that you are carrying out RedCAU with the technical support of CENER (National Center for Renewable Energies) and under the leadership of the Spain Film Commission. On the part of RedCAU intervened as speakers the president of CLAVNA, Rosa García, and Florencio Manteca, from the management team of CENER. This event, for which they have used the participation of more than 50 agents of the sector that have been interviewed, was open to the public and no accreditation was required to the festival to attend.